The Soft P*rn of Self Improvement

Mayur Dighe
3 min readMar 2, 2023


Potential drawbacks of a self-improvement mindset!

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash

Self-improvement has become a popular buzzword in recent years, with many people seeking to improve themselves and their lives. The paradox, however, is that while self-improvement can be a valuable pursuit, it can also become a trap that holds us back from achieving our goals. In many cases, it’s not self-improvement we need, but rather the willingness to take action and execute our plans.

I used to be someone who was constantly seeking self-improvement. I was always reading books, and taking courses to better myself. I thought that if I could just learn enough, I would be able to achieve my goals and be happy. But there is always another book to read, another course to take, another seminar to attend.

While self-improvement can be useful, it can also lead to analysis paralysis, where we get so caught up in learning and improving that we never take action.

I soon realized that this pursuit of self-improvement was becoming a trap. I was so focused on improving myself that I wasn’t actually taking action to achieve my goals. I was stuck in a cycle of analysis paralysis, where I would endlessly analyze and try to perfect my plans without ever taking the necessary steps to execute them.

Another problem with my pursuit of self-improvement was that it led to perfectionism. I became so hard on myself when I didn’t meet my own expectations that it was causing me anxiety and stress. I started to doubt myself and my abilities, which made it even harder to take action and achieve my goals.

I realized that self-improvement was becoming a distraction from what I really needed to do. I was spending so much time trying to better myself that I wasn’t taking the practical steps necessary to achieve my goals. I realized that I needed to focus on execution rather than self-improvement.

So, what does this mean for you? If you find yourself stuck in a cycle of self-improvement without making progress, it’s time to re-evaluate your approach. Instead of focusing on self-improvement, focus on taking action and executing your plans. Set clear goals, create a plan of action, and start taking steps towards your goals, even if they’re small. Keep in mind that progress is more crucial than perfection.

The paradox of self-improvement is that while it can be a useful pursuit, it can also be a trap that holds us back from achieving our goals. Rather than getting caught up in the cycle of self-improvement, focus on taking action and executing your plans. Remember, success is not about being perfect, but rather about being willing to take risks, learn from mistakes, and keep moving forward.

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